#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import ivy
import numpy as np
import math
import types
from ivy.chars.expokit import cyexpokit
import scipy
from scipy import special
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.special import binom
import itertools
import random
import multiprocessing as mp
from functools import partial
import pickle
from ivy.chars.mk import *
from ivy.chars.mk_mr import *
from ivy.chars.hrm import *
from scipy import cluster
import nlopt
StringTypes = types.StringTypes # Python 2
except AttributeError: # Python 3
StringTypes = [str]
Functions for fitting an HRM model
[docs]def hrm_mk(tree, chars, Q, nregime, pi="Equal",returnPi=False,
Return log-likelihood of hidden-rates-markov mk model as described in
Beaulieu et al. 2013
tree (Node): Root node of a tree. All branch lengths must be
greater than 0 (except root)
chars (dict): Dict mapping character states to tip labels.
Character states should be coded 0,1,2...
Can also be a list with tip states in preorder sequence
Q (np.array): Instantaneous rate matrix
p (np.array): Optional pre-allocated p matrix
pi (str or np.array): Option to weight the root node by given values.
Either a string containing the method or an array
of weights. Weights should be given in order.
Accepted methods of weighting root:
Equal: flat prior
Equilibrium: Prior equal to stationary distribution
of Q matrix
Fitzjohn: Root states weighted by how well they
explain the data at the tips.
returnPi (bool): Whether or not to return the final values of root
node weighting
ar (dict): Dict of pre-allocated arrays to improve
speed by avoiding creating and destroying new arrays
float: Log-likelihood of model
from ivy.examples import primates,primate_data
Q = np.array([[-0.11,0.1 ,0.01 ,0 ],
[0.1 ,-0.11,0.0 ,0.01 ],
[0.01 ,0.0 ,-0.51,0.5 ],
[0.0 ,0.01 ,0.5 ,-0.51]])
if type(chars) == dict:
chars = [chars[l] for l in [n.label for n in tree.leaves()]]
nchar = Q.shape[0]
nobschar = nchar/nregime
if ar is None:
# Creating arrays to be used later
ar = create_hrm_ar(tree, chars, nregime)
# Calculating the likelihoods for each node in post-order sequence
cyexpokit.dexpm_tree_preallocated_p_log(Q, ar["t"], ar["p"])
cyexpokit.cy_mk_log(ar["nodelist"], ar["p"], nchar, ar["tmp_ar"],
# The last row of nodelist contains the likelihood values at the root
# Applying the correct root prior
if not type(pi) in StringTypes:
assert len(pi) == nchar, "length of given pi does not match Q dimensions"
assert str(type(pi)) == "<type 'numpy.ndarray'>", "pi must be str or numpy array"
assert np.isclose(sum(pi), 1), "values of given pi must sum to 1"
np.copyto(ar["root_priors"], pi)
rootliks = [ i+np.log(ar["root_priors"][n]) for n,i in enumerate(ar["nodelist"][-1,:-1]) ]
elif pi == "Equal":
rootliks = [ i+np.log(ar["root_priors"][n]) for n,i in enumerate(ar["nodelist"][-1,:-1])]
elif pi == "Fitzjohn":
scipy.misc.logsumexp(ar["nodelist"][-1,:-1]) for
charstate in range(nchar) ])
rootliks = [ ar["nodelist"][-1,:-1][charstate] +
ar["root_priors"][charstate] for charstate in range(nchar) ]
elif pi == "Equilibrium":
# Equilibrium pi from the stationary distribution of Q
rootliks = [ i+np.log(ar["root_priors"][n]) for n,i in enumerate(ar["nodelist"][-1,:-1]) ]
raise ValueError("invalid value for pi: {}".format(pi))
logli = scipy.misc.logsumexp(rootliks)
if returnPi:
return (logli, {k:v for k,v in enumerate(ar["root_priors"])})
return logli
def _random_Q_matrix(nobschar, nregime):
Generate a random Q matrix with nchar*nregime rows and cols
split = 2.0/nregime
bins = [ split*r for r in range(nregime) ]
Q = np.zeros([nobschar*nregime, nobschar*nregime])
for rC in range(nregime):
for charC in range(nobschar):
for rR in range(nregime):
for charR in range(nobschar):
if not ((rR == rC) and (charR == charC)):
if ((rR == rC) or ((charR == charC)) and (rR+1 == rC or rR-1 == rC)):
Q[charR+rR*nobschar, charC+rC*nobschar] = random.uniform(bins[rR], bins[rR]+split)
Q[np.diag_indices(nobschar*nregime)] = np.sum(Q, axis=1)*-1
return Q
[docs]def fill_Q_matrix(nobschar, nregime, wrparams, brparams, Qtype="ARD", out=None, orderedRegimes = True):
Fill a Q matrix with nchar*nregime rows and cols with values from Qparams
nchar (int): number of observed characters
nregime (int): number of hidden rates per character
wrparams (list): List of unique Q values for within-regime transitions,
in order as they appear in columnwise iteration
brparams (list): list of unique Q values for between-regime transition,
in order as they appear in columnwise iteration
Qtype (str): Either "ARD" or "Simple". What type of Q matrix to fill.
out (np.array): Optional numpy array to put output into
orderedRegimes (bool): Whether or not regimes are ordered such that
a transition from 1 -> 3 is not possible (a branch in state 1 must
pass through 2 to get to 3)
array: Q-matrix with values filled in. Check to make sure values
have been filled in properly
wrparams = list(wrparams)
brparams = list(brparams)
if out is None:
Q = np.zeros([nobschar*nregime, nobschar*nregime])
Q = out
# TODO: DRY this (and fill_model_Q)
assert Qtype in ["ARD", "Simple"]
if orderedRegimes:
grid = np.zeros([(nobschar*nregime)**2, 4], dtype=int)
grid[:,0] = np.tile(np.repeat(list(range(nregime)), nobschar), nobschar*nregime)
grid[:,1] = np.repeat(list(range(nregime)), nregime*nobschar**2)
grid[:,2] = np.tile(list(range(nobschar)), nregime**2*nobschar)
grid[:,3] = np.tile(np.repeat(list(range(nobschar)), nregime*nobschar), nregime)
if Qtype == "ARD":
wrcount = 0
brcount = 0
for i, qcell in enumerate(np.nditer(Q, order="F", op_flags=["readwrite"])):
cell = grid[i]
if (cell[0] == cell[1]) and cell[2] != cell[3]:
qcell[...] = wrparams[wrcount]
wrcount += 1
elif(cell[0] in [cell[1]+1, cell[1]-1] and cell[2] == cell[3] ):
qcell[...] = brparams[brcount]
brcount += 1
elif Qtype == "Simple":
for i,qcell in enumerate(np.nditer(Q, order="F", op_flags=["readwrite"])):
cell = grid[i]
if (cell[0] == cell[1]) and cell[2] != cell[3]:
qcell[...] = wrparams[cell[0]]
elif(cell[0] in [cell[1]+1, cell[1]-1] and cell[2] == cell[3] ):
qcell[...] = brparams[0]
n_wr = nobschar**2-nobschar
if Qtype == "ARD":
# Within-regime
for i,wr in enumerate([wrparams[i:i+n_wr] for i in range(0, len(wrparams), n_wr)]):
subQ = slice(i*nobschar,(i+1)*nobschar)
wrVals = [x for s in [[0]+wr[k:k+nobschar] for k in range(0, len(wr)+1, nobschar)] for x in s]
np.copyto(Q[subQ,subQ], [wrVals[x:x+nobschar] for x in range(0, len(wrVals), nobschar)])
# between regime
combs = list(itertools.combinations(list(range(nregime)),2))
revcombs = [tuple(reversed(i)) for i in combs]
submatrix_indices = [x for s in [[combs[i]] + [revcombs[i]] for i in range(len(combs))] for x in s]
for i,submatrix_index in enumerate(submatrix_indices):
my_slice0 = slice(submatrix_index[0]*nobschar, (submatrix_index[0]+1)*nobschar)
my_slice1 = slice(submatrix_index[1]*nobschar, (submatrix_index[1]+1)*nobschar)
nregimeswitch = (nregime**2 - nregime)*nobschar
np.fill_diagonal(Q[my_slice0,my_slice1],[p for p in brparams[i*nobschar:i*nobschar+nobschar]])
elif Qtype == "Simple":
for i,wr_p in enumerate(wrparams):
wr = [wr_p] * n_wr
subQ = slice(i*nobschar,(i+1)*nobschar)
wrVals = [x for s in [[0]+wr[k:k+nobschar] for k in range(0, len(wr)+1, nobschar)] for x in s]
np.copyto(Q[subQ,subQ], [wrVals[x:x+nobschar] for x in range(0, len(wrVals), nobschar)])
# between-regime
combs = list(itertools.combinations(list(range(nregime)),2))
revcombs = [tuple(reversed(i)) for i in combs]
submatrix_indices = [x for s in [[combs[i]] + [revcombs[i]] for i in range(len(combs))] for x in s]
for i,submatrix_index in enumerate(submatrix_indices):
my_slice0 = slice(submatrix_index[0]*nobschar, (submatrix_index[0]+1)*nobschar)
my_slice1 = slice(submatrix_index[1]*nobschar, (submatrix_index[1]+1)*nobschar)
nregimeswitch = (nregime**2 - nregime)*nobschar
Q[np.diag_indices(nobschar*nregime)] = (np.sum(Q, axis=1) * -1)
if out is None:
return Q
[docs]def create_hrm_ar(tree, chars, nregime, findmin=True):
Create arrays to be used in hrm likelihood function
if type(chars) == dict:
chars = [chars[l] for l in [n.label for n in tree.leaves()]]
for n in tree:
n.cladesize = len(n)
nchar = len(set(chars)) * nregime
nt = len(tree.descendants())
charlist = list(range(nchar))
nobschar = len(set(chars))
t = np.array([node.length for node in tree.postiter() if not node.isroot], dtype=np.double)
nchar = len(set(chars)) * nregime
nobschar = len(set(chars))
preleaves = [ n for n in tree.preiter() if n.isleaf ]
postleaves = [n for n in tree.postiter() if n.isleaf ]
postnodes = list(tree.postiter())
postChars = [ chars[i] for i in [ preleaves.index(n) for n in postleaves ] ]
nnode = len(t)+1
nodelist = np.zeros((nnode, nchar+1))
nodelist.fill(-np.inf) # Fill initial likelihoods with log(0) (-inf)
leafind = [ n.isleaf for n in tree.postiter()]
tmp_ar = np.zeros([nchar]) # For storing calculations in cython code
for k,ch in enumerate(postChars):
hiddenChs = [y + ch for y in [x * nobschar for x in range(nregime) ]]
[ n for i,n in enumerate(nodelist) if leafind[i] ][k][hiddenChs] = np.log(1.0)
for i,n in enumerate(nodelist[:-1]):
n[nchar] = postnodes.index(postnodes[i].parent)
# Setting initial node likelihoods to log one for calculations
nodelist[[ i for i,b in enumerate(leafind) if not b],:-1] = np.log(1.0)
# Empty Q matrix
Q = np.zeros([nchar,nchar], dtype=np.double)
# Empty p matrix
p = np.empty([nt, nchar, nchar], dtype = np.double, order="C")
nodelistOrig = nodelist.copy() # Second copy to refer back to
# Empty root prior array
rootpriors = np.empty([nchar], dtype=np.double)
if findmin:
nullval = np.inf
nullval = -np.inf
# Upper bounds
treelen = sum([ n.length for n in tree.leaves()[0].rootpath() if n.length]+[
upperbound = len(tree.leaves())/treelen
max_children = max(len(n.children) for n in tree)
child_ar = np.empty([tree.cladesize,max_children], dtype=np.int64)
intnode_list = np.array(sorted(set(nodelist[:-1,nchar])),dtype=int)
for intnode in intnode_list:
children = np.where(nodelist[:,nchar]==intnode)[0]
child_ar[int(intnode)][:len(children)] = children
# Giving internal function access to these arrays.
# Warning: can be tricky
# Need to make sure old values
# Aren't accidentally re-used
var = {"Q": Q, "p": p, "t":t, "nodelist":nodelist, "charlist":charlist,
"nodelistOrig":nodelistOrig, "upperbound":upperbound,
"root_priors":rootpriors, "nullval":nullval, "tmp_ar":tmp_ar,
return var
[docs]def create_likelihood_function_hrm_mk_MLE(tree, chars, nregime, Qtype, pi="Equal",
findmin = True, constraints = "Rate",
orderedRegimes = True):
Create a function that takes values for Q and returns likelihood.
Specify the Q to be ER, Sym, or ARD
Returned function to be passed into scipy.optimize
tree (Node): Root node of a tree. All branch lengths must be
greater than 0 (except root)
chars (dict): Dict mapping character states to tip labels.
Character states should be coded 0,1,2...
Can also be a list with tip states in preorder sequence
Qtype (str): ARD only
pi (str): Either "Equal", "Equilibrium", or "Fitzjohn". How to weight
values at root node.
min (bool): Whether the function is to be minimized (False means
it will be maximized)
orderedRegimes (bool): Whether or not regimes are ordered such that
a transition from 1 -> 3 is not possible (a branch in state 1 must
pass through 2 to get to 3)
The maximum rate within each rate category must be ordered (
fastest rate in slower regime must be slower than fastest rate
in fastest regime)
function: Function accepting a list of parameters and returning
log-likelihood. To be optmimized with scipy.optimize.minimize
if type(chars) == dict:
chars = [chars[l] for l in [n.label for n in tree.leaves()]]
nchar = len(set(chars)) * nregime
nt = len(tree.descendants())
charlist = list(range(nchar))
nobschar = len(set(chars))
var = create_hrm_ar(tree, chars, nregime,findmin)
def likelihood_function(Qparams, grad=None):
NLOPT inputs the parameter array as well as a gradient object.
The gradient object is ignored for this optimizer (LN_SBPLX)
if any(np.isnan(Qparams)):
return var["nullval"]
# Enforcing upper bound on parameters
if (sum(Qparams) > (var["upperbound"]*2)) or any(Qparams <= 0):
return var["nullval"]
# Filling Q matrices
if Qtype == "ARD":
var["Q"].fill(0.0) # Re-filling with zeroes
wr = ((nobschar**2-nobschar)*nregime)
fill_Q_matrix(nobschar, nregime, Qparams[:wr], Qparams[wr:],Qtype="ARD", out=var["Q"], orderedRegimes=orderedRegimes)
if constraints == "Rate":
qmax = [max(Qparams[i:i+nobschar]) for i in range(0, int(len(Qparams)/2), nobschar)]
if sorted(qmax) != qmax:
return var["nullval"]
elif constraints == "Symmetry":
regimes = extract_regimes(var["Q"], nobschar, nregime)
for i in range(nregime):
regimes[i] = regimes[i].argsort(axis=None).argsort().reshape(nobschar, nobschar)
# Check if any regimes have identical ordering
if any_equal(regimes):
return var["nullval"]
elif constraints == "corHMM":
assert len(Qparams) == 8
if not Qparams[1] < Qparams[3]:
return var["nullval"]
elif Qtype == "Simple":
fill_Q_matrix(nobschar, nregime, Qparams[:nregime], Qparams[nregime:], Qtype="Simple", out = var["Q"],
if any(sorted(Qparams[:-1]) != Qparams[:-1]):
return var["nullval"]
if Qparams[-2] < Qparams[-1]:
return var["nullval"]
# Filling Q matrices:
raise ValueError("Qtype must be ARD or Simple")
# Resetting the values in these arrays
np.copyto(var["nodelist"], var["nodelistOrig"])
if findmin:
x = -1
x = 1
logli = hrm_mk(tree, chars, var["Q"],nregime, pi = pi, ar=var)
if not np.isnan(logli):
return x * logli# Minimizing negative log-likelihood
except ValueError: # If likelihood returned is 0
return var["nullval"]
return likelihood_function
[docs]def any_equal(ar):
Given a 3-D matrix, test if any of the sub-matrices are equal.
For use in evaluating symmetric constraint in hrm likelihood function
combs = list(itertools.combinations(list(range(len(ar))),2))
for c in combs:
if (ar[c[0]]==ar[c[1]]).all():
return True
return False
[docs]def fit_hrm_qidx(tree, chars, nregime, qidx, pi="Equal",
orderedRegimes=True, startingvals=None):
Fit a hidden-rates mk model to a given tree and list of characters, and
number of regumes. Return fitted ARD Q matrix and calculated likelihood.
tree (Node): Root node of a tree. All branch lengths must be
chars (dict): Dict mapping character states to tip labels.
Character states should be coded 0,1,2...
Can also be a list with tip states in preorder sequence
nregime (int): Number of hidden rates per character
pi (str): Either "Equal", "Equilibrium", or "Fitzjohn". How to weight
values at root node. Defaults to "Equal"
Method "Fitzjohn" is not thouroughly tested, use with caution
orderedRegimes (bool): Whether or not to constrain regime transitions
to only occur between adjacent regimes
dict: Dict of fitted Q matrix (a np array) and log-likelihood value
if type(chars) == dict:
data = chars
chars = [chars[l] for l in [n.label for n in tree.leaves()]]
data = dict(zip([n.label for n in tree.leaves()],chars))
nchar = len(set(chars))*nregime
nobschar = len(set(chars))
mk_func = cyexpokit.make_hrmlnl_func(tree, data,k=nchar,nq=nregime,
nparam = len(set([n[-1] for n in qidx]))
if startingvals is None:
x0 = [0.1]*nparam
x0 = startingvals
opt = nlopt.opt(nlopt.LN_SBPLX, nparam)
optim = opt.optimize(x0)
wr = (nobschar**2-nobschar)*nregime
logli = mk_func(optim[:], None)
q = np.asarray(mk_func.q)[0]
return {"Log-likelihood":-1*float(logli), "Q":q}
[docs]def fit_hrm_randstartingpoints(tree,chars,nregime,nstart=10,pi="Equal",constraints="Rate",
Fit a hidden-rates mk model to a given tree and list of characters, and
number of regumes. Return fitted ARD Q matrix and calculated likelihood.
Run nstart times, each with different randomized starting values,
and return the highest likelihood
tree (Node): Root node of a tree. All branch lengths must be
greater than 0 (except root)
chars (dict): Dict mapping character states to tip labels.
Character states should be coded 0,1,2...
Can also be a list with tip states in preorder sequence
nregime (int): Number of hidden rates per character
nstart (int): Number of times to run likelihood fit
pi (str): Either "Equal", "Equilibrium", or "Fitzjohn". How to weight
values at root node. Defaults to "Equal"
Method "Fitzjohn" is not thouroughly tested, use with caution
orderedRegimes (bool): Whether or not to constrain regime transitions
to only occur between adjacent regimes
tuple: Tuple of fitted Q matrix (a np array) and log-likelihood value
bestli = -np.inf
if type(chars) == dict:
nobschar = len(set(chars.values()))
nobschar = len(set(chars))
if Qtype=="ARD":
if orderedRegimes:
nparam = ((nobschar**2-nobschar)*nregime) + (nregime-1)*2*nobschar
nparam = ((nobschar**2-nobschar)*nregime + (nregime**2-nregime)*nobschar)
nparam = nregime+1
for _ in range(nstart):
while 1:
startingvals = np.random.uniform(0,1,nparam)
out = fit_hrm(tree,chars,nregime,pi,constraints,Qtype,orderedRegimes,startingvals=startingvals)
if out["Log-likelihood"] != -np.inf:
if out["Log-likelihood"] > bestli:
bestli = out["Log-likelihood"]
best = out
return best
[docs]def fit_hrm(tree, chars, nregime, pi="Equal", constraints="Rate", Qtype="ARD",
orderedRegimes=True, startingvals=None):
Fit a hidden-rates mk model to a given tree and list of characters, and
number of regumes. Return fitted ARD Q matrix and calculated likelihood.
tree (Node): Root node of a tree. All branch lengths must be
greater than 0 (except root)
chars (dict): Dict mapping character states to tip labels.
Character states should be coded 0,1,2...
Can also be a list with tip states in preorder sequence
nregime (int): Number of hidden rates per character
pi (str): Either "Equal", "Equilibrium", or "Fitzjohn". How to weight
values at root node. Defaults to "Equal"
Method "Fitzjohn" is not thouroughly tested, use with caution
orderedRegimes (bool): Whether or not to constrain regime transitions
to only occur between adjacent regimes
startingvals (list): Values to initialize optimization at. Optional
tuple: Tuple of fitted Q matrix (a np array) and log-likelihood value
if type(chars) == dict:
chars = [chars[l] for l in [n.label for n in tree.leaves()]]
if Qtype == "Simple":
Q, logli, rootLiks, f, par = fit_hrm_mkSimple(tree, chars, nregime, pi,
elif Qtype == "ARD":
Q, logli, rootLiks, f, par = fit_hrm_mkARD(tree, chars, nregime, pi, constraints,
raise TypeError("Qtype must be Simple or ARD")
return {"Q":Q, "Log-likelihood":logli,"rootLiks":rootLiks}
[docs]def fit_hrm_mkARD(tree, chars, nregime, pi="Equal", constraints="Rate",
orderedRegimes=True, startingvals=None):
Fit a hidden-rates mk model to a given tree and list of characters, and
number of regumes. Return fitted ARD Q matrix and calculated likelihood.
tree (Node): Root node of a tree. All branch lengths must be
chars (dict): Dict mapping character states to tip labels.
Character states should be coded 0,1,2...
Can also be a list with tip states in preorder sequence
nregime (int): Number of hidden rates per character
pi (str): Either "Equal", "Equilibrium", or "Fitzjohn". How to weight
values at root node. Defaults to "Equal"
Method "Fitzjohn" is not thouroughly tested, use with caution
orderedRegimes (bool): Whether or not to constrain regime transitions
to only occur between adjacent regimes
tuple: Tuple of fitted Q matrix (a np array) and log-likelihood value
if type(chars) == dict:
data = chars
chars = [chars[l] for l in [n.label for n in tree.leaves()]]
data = dict(zip([n.label for n in tree.leaves()],chars))
nchar = len(set(chars))*nregime
nobschar = len(set(chars))
mk_func = create_likelihood_function_hrm_mk_MLE(tree, chars, nregime=nregime,
Qtype="ARD", pi=pi, constraints=constraints,
if not orderedRegimes:
ncell = ((nobschar**2-nobschar)*nregime + (nregime**2-nregime)*nobschar)
ncell = ((nobschar**2-nobschar)*nregime) + (nregime-1)*2*nobschar
if startingvals is None:
x0 = [0.1]*ncell
x0 = startingvals
opt = nlopt.opt(nlopt.LN_SBPLX, ncell)
optim = opt.optimize(x0)
wr = (nobschar**2-nobschar)*nregime
q = fill_Q_matrix(nobschar, nregime, optim[:wr], optim[wr:],"ARD", orderedRegimes=orderedRegimes)
piRates = hrm_mk(tree, chars, q, nregime, pi=pi, returnPi=True)[1]
return (q, -1*float(mk_func(optim, None)), piRates, mk_func, optim)
[docs]def fit_hrm_mkSimple(tree, chars, nregime, pi="Equal", orderedRegimes=True,
Fit a hidden-rates mk model to a given tree and list of characters, and
number of regumes. Return fitted ARD Q matrix and calculated likelihood.
tree (Node): Root node of a tree. All branch lengths must be
greater than 0 (except root)
chars (dict): Dict mapping character states to tip labels.
Character states should be coded 0,1,2...
Can also be a list with tip states in preorder sequence
nregime (int): Number of hidden rates per character
pi (str): Either "Equal", "Equilibrium", or "Fitzjohn". How to weight
values at root node. Defaults to "Equal"
Method "Fitzjohn" is not thouroughly tested, use with caution
tuple: Tuple of fitted Q matrix (a np array) and log-likelihood value
if type(chars) == dict:
chars = [chars[l] for l in [n.label for n in tree.leaves()]]
nchar = len(set(chars))*nregime
nobschar = len(set(chars))
mk_func = create_likelihood_function_hrm_mk_MLE(tree, chars, nregime=nregime,
Qtype="Simple", pi=pi)
if startingvals is None:
x0 = [0.1]*(nregime+1)
x0 = startingvals
opt = nlopt.opt(nlopt.LN_SBPLX, nregime+1)
optim = opt.optimize(x0)
q = fill_Q_matrix(nobschar, nregime, optim[:-1], [optim[-1]],"Simple")
piRates = hrm_mk(tree, chars, q, nregime, pi=pi, returnPi=True)[1]
return (q, -1*float(mk_func(optim, None)), piRates, mk_func, optim)
[docs]def make_regime_type_combos(nregime, nparams):
Create regime combinations for a binary character
paramRanks = list(range(nparams+1))
paramPairs = list(itertools.permutations(paramRanks,2))
for p in paramRanks:
regimePairs = list(itertools.combinations(paramPairs,nregime))
return regimePairs
[docs]def remove_redundant_regimes(regimePairs):
Remove redundant regime pairs (eg (1,1),(2,2) and (2,2),(3,3) are
redundant and only one should be kept)
regime_identities = [make_identity_regime(r) for r in regimePairs]
return [regimePairs[regimePairs.index(i)] for i in set(regime_identities)]
[docs]def make_identity_regime(regimePair):
Given one regime pair, reduce it to its identity (eg (2,2),(3,3) becomes
params_present = list(set([i for s in regimePair for i in s]))
if 0 in params_present:
identity_params = list(range(len(params_present)))
identity_params = [i+1 for i in range(len(params_present))]
identity_regime = tuple([tuple([identity_params[params_present.index(i)]
for i in r]) for r in regimePair])
return identity_regime
[docs]def optimize_regime(comb, tree=None, chars=None, nregime=None, nparams=None,
pi=None, br_variable=None, out_file=None, ar=None):
Top-level function for optimizing hrm distinct-regime model in parallel.
mk_func = hrm_disctinct_regimes_likelihoodfunc(tree, chars, comb, pi=pi,
findmin = True, br_variable=br_variable, ar=ar)
if not br_variable:
nfreeparams = nparams+1
nfreeparams = nparams + (nregime**2 - nregime)*2
x0 = [0.1] * nfreeparams
opt = nlopt.opt(nlopt.LN_SBPLX, nfreeparams)
pars = opt.optimize(x0)
lik = mk_func(pars)
Q = fill_distinct_regime_Q(comb, np.insert(pars, 0, 1e-15),nregime,2,br_variable=br_variable)
if out_file is not None:
with open(out_file+str(comb)+".p", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump((comb, lik, Q), f)
return comb,lik,Q
[docs]def fit_hrm_distinct_regimes(tree, chars, nregime, nparams, pi="Equal", br_variable=False,
parallel=False, ncores=2, out_file=None):
Fit hrm with distinct regime types given number of regimes and
number of parameters
tree (Node): Root node of tree
chars (dict): Dict mapping character states to tip labels.
Character states should be coded 0,1,2...
Can also be a list with tip states in preorder sequence
nregime (int): Number of regimes to test in model
nparams (int): Number of unique parameters available for regimes
pi (str): Root prior
br_variable (bool): Whether or not between-regime rates are allowed to vary
parallel (bool): Whether to run in parallel
ncores (int): If parallel is True, number of cores to run on
out_file (str): Optional output file name. If given, results will written
into the current directory with this string as
the first part of the filename
if type(chars) == dict:
chars = [chars[l] for l in [n.label for n in tree.leaves()]]
nchar = len(set(chars))
if nchar != 2:
raise ValueError("Binary characters only. Number of states given:{}".format(nchar))
regime_combinations = make_regime_type_combos(nregime, nparams)
regime_combinations = remove_redundant_regimes(regime_combinations)
pars = [None] * len(regime_combinations)
Qs = [np.zeros([4,4])] * len(regime_combinations)
liks = [None] * len(regime_combinations)
ncomb = len(regime_combinations)
ar = create_hrm_ar(tree, chars, nregime)
print("Testing {} regimes".format(ncomb))
if parallel:
pool = mp.Pool(processes = ncores)
func = partial(optimize_regime, tree=tree, chars=chars, nregime=nregime,nparams=nparams,pi=pi, br_variable=br_variable, ar=ar, out_file=out_file)
results = pool.map(func, regime_combinations)
out = results
return {r[0]:(r[1],r[2]) for r in out}
for i, comb in enumerate(regime_combinations):
mk_func = hrm_disctinct_regimes_likelihoodfunc(tree, chars, comb, pi=pi,
findmin = True, br_variable=br_variable, ar=ar)
if not br_variable:
nfreeparams = nparams+1
nfreeparams = nparams + (nregime**2 - nregime)*2
x0 = [0.1] * nfreeparams
opt = nlopt.opt(nlopt.LN_SBPLX, nfreeparams)
pars[i] = opt.optimize(x0)
liks[i] = -mk_func(pars[i])
Qs[i] = fill_distinct_regime_Q(comb, np.insert(pars[i],0,1e-15), nregime, nchar, br_variable=br_variable)
if out_file is not None:
with open(out_file+str(comb)+".p", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump((comb, liks[i], Qs[i]), f)
print("{}/{} regimes tested".format(i+1,ncomb))
return {r:(liks[i], Qs[i]) for i,r in enumerate(regime_combinations)}
[docs]def fill_Q_layout(regimetype, Qparams):
Fill a single regime matrix based on the regime type and the given
Q = np.array([[0,Qparams[regimetype[0]]],
return Q
[docs]def hrm_disctinct_regimes_likelihoodfunc(tree, chars, regimetypes, pi="Equal", findmin=True, br_variable=False, ar=None):
if type(chars) == dict:
chars = [chars[l] for l in [n.label for n in tree.leaves()]]
nregime = len(regimetypes)
nchar = len(set(chars)) * nregime
nt = len(tree.descendants())
charlist = list(range(nchar))
nobschar = len(set(chars))
nregimeshift = (nregime**2 - nregime)*2
if not br_variable:
nregimeshift = 1
if ar is None:
var = create_hrm_ar(tree, chars, nregime, findmin)
var = ar.copy()
var["Q_layout"] = np.zeros([nregime,nobschar,nobschar])
def likelihood_function(Qparams, grad=None):
NLOPT inputs the parameter array as well as a gradient object.
The gradient object is ignored for this optimizer (LN_SBPLX)
if any(np.isnan(Qparams)):
return var["nullval"]
# Enforcing upper bound on parameters
if (sum(Qparams) > (var["upperbound"]*2)) or any(Qparams <= 0):
return var["nullval"]
if any(sorted(Qparams[:-nregimeshift])!=Qparams[:-nregimeshift]):
return var["nullval"]
if any(Qparams[-nregimeshift:]>Qparams[-(nregimeshift+1)]):
return var["nullval"]
Qparams = np.insert(Qparams, 0, 1e-15)
fill_distinct_regime_Q(regimetypes,Qparams, nregime,nobschar,var["Q"], var["Q_layout"], br_variable)
# Resetting the values in these arrays
np.copyto(var["nodelist"], var["nodelistOrig"])
if findmin:
x = -1
x = 1
logli = hrm_mk(tree, chars, var["Q"],nregime, pi = pi, ar=var)
if not np.isnan(logli):
return x * logli# Minimizing negative log-likelihood
except ValueError: # If likelihood returned is 0
return var["nullval"]
return likelihood_function
[docs]def fill_distinct_regime_Q(regimetypes, Qparams,nregime, nobschar, Q = None, Q_layout = None, br_variable=False):
returnQ = False
if Q is None:
returnQ = True
Q = np.zeros([nobschar*nregime,nobschar*nregime])
Q_layout = np.zeros([nregime,nobschar,nobschar])
for i,rtype in enumerate(regimetypes):
Q_layout[i] = fill_Q_layout(rtype, Qparams)
# Filling regime sub-Qs within Q matrix:
for i,regime in enumerate(Q_layout):
subQ = slice(i*nobschar,(i+1)*nobschar)
Q[subQ, subQ] = regime
# Filling in between-regime values
for i,submatrix_index in enumerate(itertools.permutations(list(range(nregime)),2)):
my_slice0 = slice(submatrix_index[0]*nobschar, (submatrix_index[0]+1)*nobschar)
my_slice1 = slice(submatrix_index[1]*nobschar, (submatrix_index[1]+1)*nobschar)
if not br_variable:
nregimeswitch =(nregime**2 - nregime)*2
np.fill_diagonal(Q, -np.sum(Q,1))
if returnQ:
return Q
[docs]def fit_hrm_model(tree, chars, nregime, mod, pi="Equal", findmin=True, initialvals = None):
Fit parameters for a single model specified by the user
if type(chars) == dict:
chars = [chars[l] for l in [n.label for n in tree.leaves()]]
nobschar = len(set(chars))
if nobschar != 2:
raise ValueError("Binary characters only. Number of states given:{}".format(nchar))
nchar = nobschar * nregime
ar = create_hrm_ar(tree, chars, nregime)
nfreeparams = len(set([i for i in mod if i != 0]))
n_wr = nobschar**2 - nobschar
mod_format = format_mod(mod, nregime, nobschar)
mk_func = fit_hrm_model_likelihood(tree, chars, nregime, mod_format, pi, findmin)
if initialvals is None:
x0 = [0.1]*nfreeparams
x0 = initialvals
opt = nlopt.opt(nlopt.LN_SBPLX, nfreeparams)
par = opt.optimize(x0)
lik = -mk_func(par)
Q = np.zeros([nchar, nchar])
fill_model_Q(mod_format, np.insert(par, 0, 1e-15), Q)
return Q, lik
[docs]def fill_model_Q(mod, Qparams, Q):
Fill Q matrix given model and parameters.
mod (list): List of tuples. Code for the mode used. The first nregime
tuples correspond to the within-regime transition rates for each
regime. The last tuple corresponds to the between-regime transition
rates. Ex. [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8)] corresponds to a
matrix of:
Qparams (list): List of floats corresponding to the values for
slow, medium, fast, etc. rates. The first is always 0
Q (np.array): Pre-allocated Q matrix
nregime = len(mod)-1
nobschar = Q.shape[0]/nregime
nchar = Q.shape[0]
for i in range(nregime):
subQ = slice(i*nobschar,(i+1)*nobschar)
subQvals = [Qparams[x] for s in [(0,)+mod[i][k:k+nobschar] for k in range(0,len(mod[i])+1,nobschar)] for x in s]
np.copyto(Q[subQ, subQ], [subQvals[x:x+nobschar] for x in range(0, len(subQvals), nobschar)])
combs = list(itertools.combinations(list(range(nregime)),2))
revcombs = [tuple(reversed(i)) for i in combs]
submatrix_indices = [x for s in [[combs[i]] + [revcombs[i]] for i in range(len(combs))] for x in s]
for i,submatrix_index in enumerate(submatrix_indices):
my_slice0 = slice(submatrix_index[0]*nobschar, (submatrix_index[0]+1)*nobschar)
my_slice1 = slice(submatrix_index[1]*nobschar, (submatrix_index[1]+1)*nobschar)
nregimeswitch =(nregime**2 - nregime)*2
np.fill_diagonal(Q[my_slice0,my_slice1],[Qparams[p] for p in mod[nregime][i*nobschar:i*nobschar+nobschar]])
np.fill_diagonal(Q, -np.sum(Q,1))
[docs]def fit_hrm_model_likelihood(tree, chars, nregime, mod, pi="Equal", findmin=True):
Likelihood function for fitting user-specified model
if type(chars) == dict:
chars = [chars[l] for l in [n.label for n in tree.leaves()]]
nobschar = len(set(chars))
nchar = nobschar*nregime
nt = len(tree.descendants())
charlist = list(range(nchar))
var = create_hrm_ar(tree, chars, nregime, findmin)
var["Q_layout"] = np.zeros([nregime,nobschar,nobschar])
def likelihood_function(Qparams, grad=None):
NLOPT inputs the parameter array as well as a gradient object.
The gradient object is ignored for this optimizer (LN_SBPLX)
if any(np.isnan(Qparams)):
return var["nullval"]
if not all(sorted(Qparams) == Qparams):
return var["nullval"]
if (sum(Qparams) > (var["upperbound"]*2)) or any(Qparams <= 0):
return var["nullval"]
Qparams = np.insert(Qparams, 0, 1e-15)
fill_model_Q(mod, Qparams, var["Q"])
# Resetting the values in these arrays
np.copyto(var["nodelist"], var["nodelistOrig"])
if findmin:
x = -1
x = 1
logli = hrm_mk(tree, chars, var["Q"],nregime, pi = pi, ar=var)
if not np.isnan(logli):
return x * logli# Minimizing negative log-likelihood
except ValueError: # If likelihood returned is 0
return var["nullval"]
return likelihood_function
[docs]def cluster_models(tree, chars, Q, nregime, pi="Equal", findmin=True):
Given an MLE Q, return candidate models with more parsimonious
parameter set by merging similar parameters
if type(chars) == dict:
chars = [chars[l] for l in [n.label for n in tree.leaves()]]
Qparams = extract_Qparams(Q, nregime)
ts = np.linspace(-10, 0, 11)
Q_dist = np.array(list(zip(list(Qparams), [0]*len(Qparams))))
candidate_models = list(set([tuple(scipy.cluster.hierarchy.fclusterdata(Q_dist, i)) for i in ts]))
if any(np.isclose(Qparams, 0.0)):
for i,c in enumerate(candidate_models):
candidate_models[i] = tuple([x-1 for x in c])
nmod = len(candidate_models)
print(("Testing {} models".format(nmod)))
alt_mods = {c:fit_hrm_model(tree,chars,nregime,c,pi=pi,findmin=findmin)
for c in candidate_models}
return alt_mods
[docs]def AIC(l, k):
Akaike information criterion
return 2*k - 2*l
[docs]def pairwise_merge(tree, chars, Q, nregime, pi="Equal"):
Given an MLE Q, merge similar parameters pairwise to find more
parsimonious models
tree (Node): Root node of a tree. All branch lengths must be
greater than 0 (except root)
chars (dict): Dict mapping character states to tip labels.
Character states should be coded 0,1,2...
Can also be a list with tip states in preorder sequence
Q (np.array): Instantaneous rate matrix
nregime (int): Number of regimes in the model
pi (str or np.array): Option to weight the root node by given values.
Either a string containing the method or an array
of weights. Weights should be given in order.
Accepted methods of weighting root:
Equal: flat prior
Equilibrium: Prior equal to stationary distribution
of Q matrix
Fitzjohn: Root states weighted by how well they
explain the data at the tips.
if type(chars) == dict:
chars = [chars[l] for l in [n.label for n in tree.leaves()]]
Qparams = extract_Qparams(Q, nregime)
prev_mod = Qparams.argsort().argsort() + 1
nobschar = len(set(chars))
prev_l = hrm_mk(tree, chars, Q, nregime, pi=pi)
prev_AIC = AIC(prev_l, len(Qparams))
prev_Q = Q.copy()
new_Q = Q.copy()
new_Qparams = Qparams.copy()
prev_Qparams = Qparams.copy()
# Matrix of distance between pairs
dist_mat = abs(Qparams[..., np.newaxis] - Qparams[np.newaxis, ...])
dist_mat[np.tril_indices(len(Qparams))] = np.inf
# Pre-allocated arrays to speed up likelihood calculations
ar = create_hrm_ar(tree, chars, nregime)
while 1:
# Cleaning pre-allocated arrays
np.copyto(ar["nodelist"], ar["nodelistOrig"])
# Merging parameters
closest_pair = divmod(np.argmin(dist_mat), len(Qparams))
greater = max(prev_mod[list(closest_pair)])
new_mod = np.array([i if i<greater else i-1 for i in prev_mod])
new_param = np.mean(Qparams[list(closest_pair)])
inds = np.logical_or(Qparams==Qparams[closest_pair[0]],
new_Qparams = Qparams.copy()
new_Qparams[inds] = new_param
# Calculating likelihood
fill_model_Q(format_mod(new_mod, nregime, nobschar),
np.insert(sorted(set(new_Qparams)), 0, 1e-15), new_Q)
new_l = hrm_mk(tree,chars,new_Q,nregime,pi=pi,ar=ar)
new_AIC = AIC(new_l, len(set(new_mod)))
# Recording that we have checked this pair
dist_mat[closest_pair[0], closest_pair[1]] = np.inf
if new_AIC < prev_AIC:
# Merging the two pairs
dist_mat[closest_pair[1],] = np.inf
dist_mat[:,closest_pair[1]] = np.inf
# Recording new best model so far
prev_mod = new_mod.copy()
prev_AIC = new_AIC
prev_l = new_l
prev_Q = new_Q.copy()
Qparams = new_Qparams.copy()
if (dist_mat==np.inf).all():
re_optim = fit_hrm_model(tree, chars, nregime, prev_mod, pi=pi, findmin=True, initialvals=sorted(set(Qparams)))
return [prev_mod, re_optim[0], re_optim[1]]