ivy.chars.mk_mr module

class ivy.chars.mk_mr.ModelOrderMetropolis(stochastic)[source]

Bases: pymc.StepMethods.Metropolis

Custom step method for model order

class ivy.chars.mk_mr.SwitchpointMetropolis(stochastic, tree, seg_map, stepsize=0.05, seglen=0.02)[source]

Bases: pymc.StepMethods.Metropolis

Custom step algorithm for selecting a new switchpoint

ivy.chars.mk_mr.create_likelihood_function_multimk(tree, chars, Qtype, nregime, pi=u'Equal', findmin=True)[source]
ivy.chars.mk_mr.create_likelihood_function_multimk_mods(tree, chars, mods, pi=u'Equal', findmin=True, orderedparams=True)[source]

Create a likelihood function for testing the parameter values of user- specified models

ivy.chars.mk_mr.create_mkmr_ar(tree, chars, nregime, findmin=True)[source]

Create preallocated arrays. For use in mk function

Nodelist = edgelist of nodes in postorder sequence

ivy.chars.mk_mr.create_mkmr_mb_ar(tree, chars, nregime, findmin=True)[source]

Preallocated arrays for midbranch mk_mr

Create preallocated arrays. For use in mk_mr midbranch function

Nodelist = edgelist of nodes in postorder sequence

ivy.chars.mk_mr.fill_model_mr_Q(Qparams, mods, Q)[source]

Fill a Q-matrix with Qparams corresponding to the model.

Individual Q matrices are filled rowwise

Function alters Q in place

ivy.chars.mk_mr.inds_from_switchpoint_cython(tree, switches_ni, ar, debug=False)[source]
ivy.chars.mk_mr.lf_mk_mr_midbranch(tree, chars, Qtype, nregime, pi=u'Equal', findmin=True)[source]
ivy.chars.mk_mr.lf_mk_mr_midbranch_mods(tree, chars, mods, pi=u'Equal', findmin=True, orderedparams=True)[source]

Create a likelihood function for testing the parameter values of user- specified models with switchpoints allowed in the middle of branches

ivy.chars.mk_mr.locs_from_switchpoint(tree, switches, locs=None)[source]

Given a tree and a list of nodes to be switchpoints, return an array of all node indices in one regime vs the other

  • tree (Node) – Root node of tree
  • switches (list) – List of internal nodes to act as switchpoints. Switchpoint nodes are part of their own regimes.
  • locs (np.array) – Optional pre-allocated array to store output.

Array of indices of all nodes associated with each switchpoint, plus

all nodes “outside” the switches in the last list

Return type:


ivy.chars.mk_mr.make_modelorder_stoch(mods, name='modorder')[source]
ivy.chars.mk_mr.make_switchpoint_stoch(seg_map, name='switch')[source]
ivy.chars.mk_mr.mk_mr_midbranch(tree, chars, Qs, switchpoint, pi=u'Equal', returnPi=False, ar=None, debug=False)[source]

Calculate likelhiood of mk model with BAMM-like multiple regimes

  • tree (Node) – Root node of a tree. All branch lengths must be greater than 0 (except root)
  • chars (dict) –

    Dict mapping character states to tip labels. Character states should be coded 0,1,2...

    Can also be a list with tip states in preorder sequence

  • Qs (np.array) – Array of instantaneous rate matrices
  • locs (np.array) – Array of the same length as Qs containing the node indices that correspond to each Q matrix
  • p (np.array) – Optional pre-allocated p matrix
  • pi (str or np.array) –

    Option to weight the root node by given values. Either a string containing the method or an array of weights. Weights should be given in order.

    Accepted methods of weighting root:

    Equal: flat prior Equilibrium: Prior equal to stationary distribution

    of Q matrix
    Fitzjohn: Root states weighted by how well they
    explain the data at the tips.

Log-likelihood of tree/characters given the Q matrices.

Return type:


ivy.chars.mk_mr.mk_multi_bayes(tree, chars, nregime, qidx, pi=u'Equal', seglen=0.02, stepsize=0.05)[source]

Create a Bayesian multi-mk model. User specifies which regime models to use and the Bayesian model finds the switchpoints.

  • tree (Node) – Root node of tree.
  • chars (dict) – Dict mapping tip labels to discrete character states. Character states must be in the form of [0,1,2...]
  • regime (int) – The number of distinct regimes to test. Set to 1 for an Mk model, set to greater than 1 for a multi-regime Mk model.
  • qidx (np.array) –

    Index specifying the model to test

    0, 1, 2 - index axes of q 3 - index of params

    This scheme allows flexible specification of models. E.g.: Symmetric mk2:

    params = [0.2]; qidx = [[0,0,1,0],
    Asymmetric mk2:
    params = [0.2,0.6]; qidx = [[0,0,1,0],


    The qidx corresponding to the first q matrix (first column 0) is always the root regime

  • pi (str or np.array) –

    Option to weight the root node by given values. Either a string containing the method or an array of weights. Weights should be given in order.

    Accepted methods of weighting root:

    Equal: flat prior Equilibrium: Prior equal to stationary distribution

    of Q matrix
    Fitzjohn: Root states weighted by how well they
    explain the data at the tips.
  • seglen (float) – Size of segments to break tree into. The smaller this value, the more “fine-grained” the analysis will be. Optional, defaults to 2% of the root-to-tip length.
  • stepsize (float) – Maximum size of steps for switchpoints to take. Optional, defaults to 5% of root-to-tip length.

Select random location on tree with uniform probability

node and float, which represents the how far along the branch to
the parent node the switch occurs on
Return type:tuple
ivy.chars.mk_mr.round_step_size(step_size, seg_size)[source]

Round step_size to the nearest segment

ivy.chars.mk_mr.tree_map(tree, seglen=0.02)[source]

Make a map of the tree cut into segments of size (seglen*root_to_tip_length)