ivy.tree module¶
The Node class and functions for creating trees from Newick strings, etc.
ivy does not have a Tree class per se, as most functions operate directly on Node objects.
(**kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
A basic Node class with attributes and references to child nodes (‘children’, a list) and ‘parent’.
Keyword Arguments: - id – ID of the node. If not provided, is set using builtin id function
- ni (int) – Node index.
- li (int) – Leaf index.
- isroot (bool) – Is the node a root.
- isleaf (bool) – Is the node a leaf.
- label (str) – Node label.
- length (float) – Branch length from node to parent
- support – Bootstrap support values
- age (float) – Age of the node in time units.
- parent (Node) – Parent of the ndoe.
- children (list) – List of node objects. Children of node
- nchildren (int) – Number of children
- left – The “left” node
- treename – Name of tree
- comment – Comments for tree
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Create ascii tree.
Keyword Arguments: - unitlen (float) – How long each unit should be rendered as. Defaults to 3.
- minwidth (float) – Minimum width of the plot. Defaults to 50
- maxwidth (float) – Maximum width of the plot. Defaults to None
- scaled (bool) – Whether or not the tree is scaled. Defaults to False
- show_internal_labels (bool) – Whether or not to show labels on internal nodes. Defaults to True.
Returns: Ascii tree to be shown with print().
Return type:
(s, ignorecase=True)[source]¶ Find branches (internal nodes) by regular-expression search of labels
Parameters: Returns: A list of node objects whose labels were matched by s.
Return type: lsit
(distance=0.5, reindex=True)[source]¶ Mutate function. Add new node as parent to self in the middle of branch to parent.
Parameters: Returns: A new node.
Return type:
()[source]¶ Get internal nodes descended from self
Returns: A list of internal nodes descended from (and not including) self. Return type: list
(add=False, reindex=True)[source]¶ Mutate function
Remove self and collapse children to polytomy
Parameters: Returns: Parent of self
Return type:
(recurse=True, _par=None)[source]¶ Return a shallow copy of self. If recurse = False, do not copy children, parents, or any attribute that is Node.
Parameters: recurse (bool) – Whether or not to copy children as well as self. Returns: A copy of self. Return type: Node
(order=u'pre', v=None, f=None)[source]¶ Return a list of nodes descendant from self - but _not_ including self!
Parameters: - order (str) – Indicates wether to return nodes in preorder or postorder sequence. Optional, defaults to “pre”
- f (function) – filtering function that evaluates to True if desired node is called as the first parameter.
Returns: A list of nodes descended from self not including self.
Return type:
(nodes)[source]¶ Return a NEW TREE with the given tips dropped from it. Does not affect old tree.
Parameters: nodes (list) – Leaf nodes or labels of leaf nodes Returns: Node – New root node with tips dropped Return type: Node
(reindex=True)[source]¶ Mutate function For ‘knees’: remove self from between parent and single child
Parameters: reindex (bool) – Whether to recalculate index attributes after mutating tree.
(f, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Find descendant nodes (generator version)
Parameters: f – Function or a string. If a string, it is converted to a function for finding f as a substring in node labels. Otherwise, f should evaluate to True if called with a desired node as the first parameter. Yields: Node – Found nodes in preorder sequence.
(f, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Find descendant nodes (list version)
Parameters: f – Function or a string. If a string, it is converted to a function for finding f as a substring in node labels. Otherwise, f should evaluate to True if called with a desired node as the first parameter. Yields: Node – Found nodes in preorder sequence.
(f, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶ Return the first node found by node.find()
Parameters: - f (function) – A function that evaluates to True if desired node is called as the first parameter.
- **kwargs (*args,) –
Additional args called by f
Returns: The first node found by node.find()
Return type:
(node, reindex=True)[source]¶ Mutate function Add node as sister to self. :param node: Node to graft to tree :type node: Node :param reindex: Whether to recalculate index attributes after mutating tree. :type reindex: bool
(s, ignorecase=True)[source]¶ Find nodes by regular-expression search of labels
Parameters: Returns: A list of node objects whose labels were matched by s.
Return type: lsit
(f=None)[source]¶ Return a list nodes that have children (internal nodes)
Parameters: f (function) – A function that evaluates to true if called with desired node as the first input Returns: A list of internal nodes that are true for f (if f is given) Return type: list
(tree)[source]¶ Test if two trees are the same (same topology, characteristics, labels, etc.) Ignores IDs by default.
Parameters: Returns: Whether or not the trees are the same.
Return type:
(*leaves)[source]¶ Test if leaf descendants are monophyletic
Parameters: *leaves (Node) – At least two leaf Node objects or labels Returns: Are the leaf descendants monophyletic? Return type: bool
(f=None)[source]¶ List of nodes descendant from self - including self :Yields: Node –
- Nodes descended from self (including self) in
- preorder sequence
(f=None, force=False)[source]¶ Cached version of iternodes. Faster, but requires that the tree is static and not being changed.
(nodes)[source]¶ Return a NEW TREE containing only the given tips.
Parameters: nodes (list) – Leaf nodes or labels of leaf notes Returns: Node – New root node containing only given tips Return type: Node
()[source]¶ Return a list of all descendant nodes that are labeled
Returns: All descendants of self that are labeled (including self) Return type: list
(reverse=False, reindex=True)[source]¶ Mutate function Rotate nodes so tree is ordered by clade size.
- WARNING: May cause strange results with functions that rely on
- pre- and post- ordering of nodes
(measure=u'length')[source]¶ RR: I don’t quite understand the structure of the output.
(f=None)[source]¶ Return a list of leaves. Can be filtered with f.
Parameters: f (function) – A function that evaluates to True if called with desired node as the first input Returns: A list of leaves that are true for f (if f is given) Return type: list
(s, ignorecase=True)[source]¶ Find leaves by regular-expression search of labels
Parameters: Returns: A list of node objects whose labels were matched by s.
Return type: lsit
(shift_labels=False)[source]¶ shift_labels: flag to shift internal parent-child node labels when internode polarity changes; suitable e.g. if internal node labels indicate unrooted bipartition support
(*nodes)[source]¶ Find most recent common ancestor of nodes
Parameters: *nodes (Node) – Node objects Returns: The MRCA of nodes Return type: Node
(n2s=None, recurse=False, reverse=False)[source]¶ Order interal clades by size
(reindex=True)[source]¶ Mutate function Remove self if self is not root.
All descendants of self are also removed
Parameters: reindex (bool) – Whether to recalculate index attributes after mutating tree. Returns: - Parent of self. If parent had only two children,
- parent is now a ‘knee’ and can be removed with excise.
Return type: Node
(node, n=0, d=0, ni=0, li=0, ii=0, pi=0)[source]¶ Iteratively attach ‘ni’, ‘ii’, ‘pi’, and ‘li’ attributes to nodes
(newroot, distance=0.5)[source]¶ Reroot the tree between newroot and its parent. By default, the new node is halfway in between newroot and its current parent. Works by unrooting the tree, then rerooting it at the new node.
Returns a NEW tree. Does not affect old tree
Parameters: - newroot – Node or str of node label. Cannot be child of current root.
- distance (float) – What percentage along branch to place new node. Defaults to 0.5 (bisection). Higher numbers set the new node closer to the parent, lower numbers set it closer to child.
Returns: Root node of new rerooted tree.
Return type:
(end=None, stop=None)[source]¶ Iterate over parent nodes toward the root, or node end if encountered.
Parameters: - end (Node) – A Node object to iterate to (instead of iterating towards root). Optional, defaults to None
- stop (function) – A function that returns True if desired node is called as the first parameter. Optional, defaults to None
Yields: Node – Nodes in path to root (or end).
(end=None)[source]¶ Get length from self to root(if end is None) or length from self to an ancestor node (if end is an ancestor to self)
Parameters: end (Node) – A node object Returns: The length from self to root/end Return type: float
(node, results={})[source]¶ Map node and descendants to number of descendant tips
(root)[source]¶ Get clade sizes of whole tree :param * root: A root node
Returns: - A dict mapping nodes to clade sizes
(filename, colNames=True, rowNames=False)[source]¶ Given a filename pointing to a CSV with species names as column one and characters as remaining columns, return a dictionary mapping names to characters
(data, format=None, treename=None, ttable=None)[source]¶ Read a single tree from data, which can be a Newick string, a file name, or a file-like object with tell and ‘read` methods. treename is an optional string that will be attached to all created nodes.
Parameters: data – A file or file-like object or newick string Returns: The root node. Return type: Node