ivy.vis.hardcopy module

class ivy.vis.hardcopy.TreeFigure(root, relwidth=0.5, leafpad=1.5, name=None, support=70.0, scaled=True, mark_named=True, leaf_fontsize=10, branch_fontsize=10, branch_width=1, branch_color=u'black', highlight_support=True, branchlabels=True, leaflabels=True, layers=[], xoff=0, yoff=0, xlim=None, ylim=None, height=None, width=None, plottype=u'phylogram')[source]

adjust figure height to show all leaf labels

render_multipage(outfile, pagesize=[8.5, 11.0], dims=None, border=0.393701, landscape=False)[source]

Create a multi-page PDF document where the figure is cut into multiple pages. Used for printing large figures.

  • outfile (string) – The path to the output file.
  • pagesize (list) – Two floats. Page size of each individual page in inches. Defaults to 8.5 x 11.0.
  • dims (list) – Two floats. The dimensions of the final figure in inches. Defaults to the original size of the figure.
  • border (float) – The amount of overlap (in inches) between each page to make taping them together easier. Defaults to 0.393701 (1 cm)
  • landscape (bool) – Whether or not each page will be in landscape orientation. Defaults to false.
savefig(fname, format=u'pdf')[source]